3 Reasons Why You Must Lose Body Fat – Nutrition Kitchen SG
3 Reasons Why You Must Lose Body Fat

3 Reasons Why You Must Lose Body Fat

The need to lose weight is often associated with trying to look better and to help avoid various diseases. Although very important in most people’s eyes, there are numerous other equally important reasons why you should lose weight which is often not flagged up as regularly. #1 – Your joints will be grateful  ‘Like two rocks grinding together’ is a good analogy when describing Osteoarthritis. It is a degenerative joint disease where you lose cartilage and progressively damage the bones connected to your joints. This disease comes with age, but it is very uncommon within the healthier, fitter younger population. Osteoarthritis is a cruel cycle where you will experience the following:
  • Painful joints making you less likely to want to be active as you won’t want to load your already painful joints with additional weight.
  • The less you load your joints means weaker the surrounding muscles.
  • The weaker the muscles the less cushioned force is when weight is loaded
  • Less cushioning results in worsening the condition
  • The worse the osteoarthritis the worse the pain
Being overweight you are more likely to get osteoarthritis, but it isn’t just the excess weight that contributes to this disease. There is also the issue of inflammation from the excess fat tissue. Inflammation and excess loading of joints is a perfect recipe for getting osteoarthritis. #2 – Start sleeping through the night Sleep Being overweight can hinder the quality of your sleep. Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder which interferes with your breathing during sleep and will occur over and over throughout the night. The higher your body fat is the more likely you will get sleep apnea. Why does this happen?
  • Excess weight on your lungs and decreases the space available. You want to take in more oxygen but physically can’t get it.
  • Excess fat in your airways reduces the space accessible for air to pass through.
  • A 5% weight gain results in a 250% increase of severe sleep apnea
Other effects of poor sleep
  • Increases inflammation due to elevated level of cortisol (the stress hormone)
#3 – Build a strong immune system Article Excess Body fat will make you sicker and more vulnerable to diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. You can help reverse this by reducing your body fat through consistent dieting and regular exercise. Reducing body fat will mean a healthier, more reactive, powerful immune system. To lose excess fat, your diet is the key. Trust us with your diet and get lean the easiest way possible. Join us next week and see the changes within weeks. Place your order HERE

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