7 Reasons to Eat More Eggs for Breakfast – Nutrition Kitchen SG
7 Reasons to Eat More Eggs for Breakfast

7 Reasons to Eat More Eggs for Breakfast

Everyone has their own opinion on eggs, and it’s always the debate of whether the cholesterol is going to affect health. The truth is, research has shown dietary cholesterol does not directly contribute to blood cholesterol levels unless you have cholesterol issues, so in fact, eggs have a lot of other health benefits that should convince you to eat more of! Here are a few reasons to eat more eggs.

Packed with Vitamin D

An average chicken egg has 6 grams of protein, 4 grams of fat, and 60 calories. In addition, eggs have a lot of vitamins and minerals, and in particular, vitamin D. Each egg has 1mg of this vitamin, which comes to approximately 5% of the daily recommended intake. Vitamin D assists in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestines, and also aids in maintaining bone health, immune function, cell signalling etc.

A lot of people tend to be deficient in this mineral, and low levels are largely associated with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Having a few eggs a day will help you get closer to meeting your daily recommended value.

Great Muscle Building Food

Eggs have about 6g of protein per egg, and you can always whip up an omelet using a few whole eggs and a few whites to make up a high protein breakfast. Protein helps to build and repair muscle tissue as well as producing hormones and enzymes.

The general recommendation is 1g per pound of body weight, with the minimum being 0.35g to carry out basic life functions. It is also important for protein to contain all the essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source. Eggs are under this category and is a powerful source of protein!

Improves the Good Cholesterol In Your Body

Eggs have been shown to improve levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) - known as the good cholesterol. HDL differs from low-density lipoproteins which are associated with clogged arteries when levels are too high. Studies have found that eating eggs improved the function of HDL in the body and a reduction in heart disease risk.

Can Be A Great Source Of Omega 3s

Some eggs are advertised as from hens that are fed algae or flax seeds, and these are meant to increase the eggs’ omega-3 content. Omega-3s are commonly thought of as only being obtainable from fish, but eggs can contain them too.

Omega-3s are associated with reducing inflammation in the body along with minimising the risk of heart issues. Studies that looked at adults eating enriched eggs several times a week saw blood level omega-3s increase.

Rich in Choline

Choline is a nutrient most people don’t know about, but it is essential in improving memory and cognitive function. Studies have found The liver produces a small amount but a lot of it must come from the diet. Eggs happen to have around 27% of the recommended daily amount of this nutrient!

Full of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are extremely overlooked by most people, but they can help reduce cell damage and are crucial for a healthy diet. Eggs are a great source of lutein and zeaxanthin which contributes to eye health. Not only this, these antioxidants may slow down the degeneration, and reduce the risk of developing cataracts. Further, they can also help in protecting your eyes from blue light.

Great Brain Food

Eggs are also high in B vitamins; in particular B6, B12 and folate, all nutrients that are associated with healthy function of the brain. Eat plenty of eggs to promote a healthy brain.

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